This Is Going To Be Controversial…

More top salespeople should be recruiting and building teams.

Here’s why:

If you’re a top salesperson, there are a few things that are almost certainly true about you:

  • You understand selling.

  • You’re not afraid of prospecting.

  • Your emotional intelligence (EQ) is off the charts.

  • You’re driven, relentless in your pursuit of success.

  • You’re probably in a top coaching program, if not coaching others yourself.

The bottom line is, you have a wealth of value to offer other salespeople.

Player-coaches are where great players want to play.

Think of the NBA—names like Phil Jackson, Gregg Popovich, and Pat Riley probably come to mind.

These player-coaches didn’t just understand the game; they saw it and lived it at the highest level.

It’s no wonder they won multiple championships.

The Speed of Change in Business

Today’s business cycles are moving faster than ever.

As a top salesperson, you’re on the front lines, experiencing and adapting to these changes in real-time.

The gap between experience, adaptation, and being able to share that experience with others is shorter than ever before.

That’s incredibly valuable.

Imagine the impact you could have if you shared that knowledge with your team.

And here’s the kicker—you can leverage social media to share these experiences, effectively turning your recruiting efforts into free advertising.

You’re not just showing people the value of being on your team; you’re proving that you can help them grow their business and solve their problems.

The Challenges for Non-Selling Leaders

For leaders who aren’t actively selling, the timeline for adapting and sharing insights is longer.

You need feedback loops to stay connected with what’s happening in the field, which means it takes longer to adapt and share strategies with your team.

Now, let’s be clear—there are unique challenges that come with transitioning from a top salesperson to a leader. Leading a team requires an entirely different skill set, including a deep commitment to pouring into others and a solid recruiting plan.

But for the right salesperson, your ability to inspire and ignite others can be the gasoline on their sparks.

Advice for Non-Selling Leaders

If you’re a leader who isn’t selling, here’s my advice:

  • Hone your selling skills anyway.

  • Be able to teach sales better than anyone else.

  • Stay ahead of the curve—understand the shifts in your marketplace better than your team does.

  • And when the time comes to pivot, don’t hesitate to roll up your sleeves and get into the trenches with your people.

Hierarchical leadership is on the decline.

The days of email pushers with fancy titles are fading fast.

If you’re ready to level up your recruiting game, I’m here to help.

Drop me a DM, and let’s get you on the fast track to developing this crucial skill set.

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