The Secret to Standing Out to Recruits – an Experiential Recruiting Model

The Power of Personal Recruiting Systems


You, the leader, are the product.


When you’re recruiting, you’re selling your leadership and the unique experience of being on your team.


This is what I call an Experiential Recruiting Model.


What is an Experiential Recruiting Model?


It’s about creating a memorable and valuable experience for your recruits, reflecting what it’s like to be part of your team.


Here are some strategies to implement:


1. Send a Book: I’m a big believer in personal growth.


Regularly, I send books to my team.


If I were recruiting you, I’d send a book that brings value.


A great example is John Gordon’s One Word, a quick 55-minute read that leaves a lasting impact.


2. Share Valuable Content: Find industry-related content on YouTube and share it with your recruits.


Send them a specific timestamp to check out, like, “Hey, I thought of you when I found this. Check out the 13-minute mark!”


Creating Value Through Leadership


Great leaders give value.


When recruiting, reflect your leadership style.


If your leadership is about growth and development, let that shine through.


Ask questions like, “What’s your biggest motivator?” or “What’s your why?”


Why This Matters


The data shows that top producers typically work for 4-6 employers throughout their career, often transitioning every 3 years.


By creating a unique and valuable experience, you can attract and retain top talent.


Practical Takeaways

  • Develop Your Unique System: Create an experiential recruiting model that reflects your leadership.

  • Engage Creatively: Use personalized books and valuable content to connect with recruits.

  • Focus on Value: Consistently provide value and demonstrate what it’s like to be led by you.



Implement these strategies and watch your recruiting and retention success soar!


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