The Breakdown of The Strategy a Successful Recruiting Leader Is Using to Hire Someone Practically Every Week.

Here in just a second, three two one here we go, hey everybody welcome back to recruiting conversations, it’s your host the only Ricardo Milligano, no I was, that’s weak all right like there’s nothing in me, I’m just like, I’m like German – American, you know like Irish – American, like um I just don’t even have like this ability to sound cool when I said Ricardo Milligano. I just make it just makes me look like it’s a bad dad joke, or something, right? but I’m here, and I’m here to give you some phenomenal content today. I’m excited about it, I’m excited about it because I’m coming out of a meeting where we have taught someone a specific system, and they’re following it and they’re winning a scale right now, I just thought let’s just share this. For the one-percenters, right? because we all know like there’s enough information available today, that if you want to go win you can buy a course, or you can follow someone on YouTube or their podcast or whatever and you get enough content, that if you’ll apply that, you will win. So this is if you’re not part of the one-percenters this is your clue to click off this podcast and then move on, this one’s for the one-percenters who will activate because this is coming fresh from a recruiting leader who’s winning at scale. When I say winning a scale and recruiting leader let me just explain those two pieces, okay? Here’s what the recruiting leader is someone who manages a team but then is also responsible for recruiting to the team, okay? A lot of times these titles look like area managers, or regional managers, or branch managers, or sales managers, okay? Those are the people that this podcast is designed for the other part of that is what is winning a scale mean, well for this individual winning a scale means that he’s hiring approximately one person every week, right now, huh. Like I laugh, because if I could have hired one person per week for the first ten eleven years I was in the business, I would have absolutely have destroyed it. It’s how the system not teaching is the same system that I built eighteen teams from the last three and a half years. So, it doesn’t surprise me, it doesn’t surprise us here at 4C recruiting that’s working, but when it comes through this, comes through a moment like this, I just feel inspired to share it with you and so I just took a moment here beyond this meeting to say, what are the three things that this guy’s doing? Now, I’m just a secret in this I’m giving it to you as three things because I know you’re most likely to remember it, okay? There’s this thing that’s called chunking, it’s this scientific concept that our brains will remember three things and typically we’ll forget anything beyond four and so it’s a reason why our phone numbers are in three-digit area codes, 3-digit prefix, and then has last four digits, because we’ll remember that we can remember that least for a short length of time, right? So, I’m gonna give you three pieces today that are the keys to what this individual is doing to win at scale.

Number one, we’re going straight to the money, okay? Number one, this individual has a strong social leadership brand, okay? When I say strong leadership brand, posting daily communicating directly to people inside their inbox giving things of value, okay? Is representing an attractive leader on social media, right? So if you’ve listened to any of my podcast around leadership branding and if you haven’t this is your first one, go back, and listen to a prior podcast on my belief system around leadership branding the importance of it how you can actually apply it because he’s doing it and he’s doing it perfectly, the way that I teach it, okay? So he definitely has a social leadership brand, that’s the first part, okay? So if there’s a three prong approach, that’s one, here’s the second one he has a dialer that’s making phone calls on his behalf and it’s following my recruiting made simple system. Now what is the recruiting a simple system? Well it’s a system okay it means that there’s always a predetermined next step that you’re moving someone towards, so this dialer is calling and this dialers representing the fact of this recruiting leader has asked me to do some research on you in our research, what I found is that there similarities in your core values, I’m talking directly to the recruit, and your core values and and the recruiting leaders core values, and because of that this recruiting leaders asked me to reach out to you and to set up a 5 to 10-minute phone conversation and if you’re willing to have that phone conversation this recruiting leader has said that will not recruit you and they will not talk about our company value proposition, got it? Okay that’s the second prong so the dialer position is not a recruiter now listen if you’re a recruiter and you’re really smart you would reverse engineer some of this to where you are dialing using a similar scripting and you are partnering with a recruiting leader at a high level, because man this gets really easy, if you can get a recruiting leader to follow the next step so I’m going to talk about, like there’s momentum in this, when I say there’s momentum in this like this individual that I’m talking about hiring someone about every week right now, okay? We’ve working through this process that I’m telling you, okay? So that’s the second prong approach, not a recruiter that’s selling the company value proposition but a dialer who is leading with this idea that we’re doing research on you, and look that information on your recruits is everywhere today. It’s all over social media like you let’s just pause for a moment, let me get really wound up here, okay? When I started recruiting in 2002 I didn’t have access to the information you have access to today when I say access the information what about like Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, just a good old-fashioned google search. Like what kind of information can you get on somebody by doing that now I know a lot of you that are actual that are actually working for large organizations have recruiting CRMs and systems and tools where you’re extracting this information into a portal, where the only thing you have to do is click a button to get it all, okay? So that’s me getting a little wound up, because when I started I didn’t have access to be able to figure out that Richard Mulligan did a radio show, you know seven years ago, for three years, okay? I don’t know if that’s the exact date, I think it’s about right but you know you could find that if you went and you entered Richard Milligan mortgage Oklahoma, which are the main parameters where I live, and my name, and the industry that I was in, you would come up with some incredible data I probably show up on activerain, Redfin, Yelp, you would for sure find me inside Facebook, and LinkedIn right because the SEO is extremely powerful around those two platforms, you’re almost always going to find me. You’d find me on three or four other platforms you’d find my bio you find out the fact that I love my family, I’m pretty out there in representing some things around my belief system, you’d find those things out. So you’re at an advantage over where people have been ever in the history, and so the dialer / recruiter that’s actively researching getting information can figure out where there’s alignment, where there’s a similar core value system, you just have to have the eyes to see it, okay? So, if you’re a recruiter and you’re wondering how do I make this work? Reverse this, reverse-engineer this with their recruiting leader that you know what their value system is, and I just gave you, your scripting okay? It’s the second piece of that, the second of the three prongs I’m giving you.

Social leadership brand number one, the second part of this is a dialer who’s representing a conversation that we’re doing research, and the attractive leader, this recruiting leaders asked me to make this phone call, and we see some similarities in your value system, because of that this recruiting leader would love to have a 5 to 10 minute phone conversation with you, no recruiting allowed that’s the second piece, got it? The third part of this is this individual that I’m talking about that’s hiring approximately one person per week, has a process of next steps which is designed around our recruiting made simple model, but it doesn’t have to be my system, ok? The process of next steps is simply what are your next steps? Let’s just think about this so I dialed someone with this phone script that I just gave you, right? I’m creating a next step which is a 5 to 10minute phone conversation with this recruiting leader or there’s no recruiting allowed what’s the next step? Okay? The next step would be that that recruiting leader gets on the phone and engages in a relational conversation and then ask for a face-to-face, a no recruiting allowed face to face, let’s assume that person says yes, my data says that 30 – 40% of all people that we just tee up in this model I just gave to you, will say yes they say yes, the face to face, what’s next? What’s the system? What’s the next step system, okay? For me, the next step that I was rooting for, that I would ask for, was would you be willing to do a local office visit, I call it site visit but a local office visit will you come back to my office if your one percent intrigued by who I am as a recruiting leader, I would love to host you at my office for a cup of coffee because I believe that if you walk in the front doors, at some level you’ll either feel that there is synergy and alignment or you’ll feel that there’s not, and so understanding that the way I believe, I want to recruit in the right brain, which is where people feel things versus the left brain where people are vetting things, people move faster when they feel things when their gut tells them to do something, then when they vet things out, okay? Now you if you’re watching my video as I’m doing this podcast you’re seeing that I’m swinging my hands that right my hands the left because I’m all about right brain recruiting, which is this when somebody feels like you are the right leader for them, when someone feels like this is the right opportunity for them, make a much faster decision than when they’ve had vet it out. The vetting process diminishes the results that you’re gonna get, means I’m gonna make a pros and cons list, I’m gonna work through my pros and my cons list, to see are you a better fit for me to my current opportunity or are you a better fit for me than another opportunity I’m looking at right now, okay? I want to swing the pendulum over to the right, where someone would say this feels like the right opportunity for me. My gut is telling me that this is the right decision to make, those are right brain type statements that say “I’m recruiting correctly” okay? So, my process to get them to this right brain was simply to invite them to my local office to grab a cup of coffee you’re a regional manager right now or area manager right now, you’re like, I can’t do that. Well you got to solve that problem, you got to solve the problem. There’s other next steps that you can create, but you’ve got to create next steps and then have a process that you follow, this individual I’m talking about is very clear on what his next steps are, and he’s moving people through this next step system, which is simply creating momentum and moving them to a very quick finish line, did you hear me snap my fingers just now, yes, I snap my fingers, I’m saying a very quick finish line.

The timeline of calling somebody over the phone getting them into a face-to-face and then closing them very quickly in a local office visit is about two and a half weeks, that is an extremely fast timeline, to be closing people if you’re recruiting later, okay? I snap my fingers because you can do that, if you have a system around your recruiting efforts. It is possible is it going to happen all the time? No, is it gonna happen a lot of the time? No, but I’m seeing it happen with people that are implementing a strong next step system because extreme structure and extreme systems, equals extreme success. Recruiting is not about the big things, recruiting is about the little things, what do you mean when you say that Richard? Well the big things are most of you if your listeners podcast, you’re identifying talent, you’re making contact, you’re even following up, those are the big pieces recruiting is in the little pieces the ones that most people whip on. What do you mean when you mean when you say little pieces? Well I mean having a clear, defined, powerful next step may sound very little, right? But listen to this for 11 years almost my next step beyond a face-to-face meeting which by the way let me just back up my phone scripting sucked, okay? I just said that it’s bagged on myself, it’s punched myself in the face my phone scripting was, “if you’re open to new opportunity I would love to meet with you” suck age of the phone scripting, okay? That’s what that is if that’s your phone script your phone script sucks like mine did, I got about 1 out of 20 people to say yes that phone script are you open to talking about a new opportunity, one out of twenty was approximately the number that was an awful phone script, so when I’m talking about little things like having a strong phone script, that may be little, but it’s really big, because I went from getting 1 out of 20 to getting 3 or 4 out of 10, like I am I haven’t done the math prior to that, Now but let’s do, if he did the math on that what percentage of increased, is getting 5 out of hundred versus getting 32 – 40 out of a hundred, right? We’re talking about 600 times more results off of the defined memorized perfected phone script, did you hear me there? Okay? I defined it, I perfected it, and I memorized it most people in this recruiting leader role they wing it, okay? This is a very little thing and it’s one of hundreds of pieces around the recruiting thing that most people just don’t nail down, so it’s a little thing, but ultimately it’s a big thing. Here’s a little thing I’ll give you the little thing this dialer that we’re talking about we’re talking about a three prong approach right having a strong social leadership brand, having a dialer, who’s calling on someone’s behalf representing this attractive leader framework, and then having a next step process those are the three prongs that we’re talking about here. In the second part of that, this dialer that sets this appointment for you, just assuming that that dialer exists, that dialer sets an appointment, would did you know that the average number of people that show up to that phone call if there’s only an appointment set about 45 to 50% will show up to that phone call, okay, and if you’ve done this before you’re nodding your head going yeah that’s about right, but half the people I set the appointment with show up but here’s a little thing, that dialer who then follows up immediately with the text message, and I’ll give you a general idea around the text message, the text message is simply this great talking to you today Richard, and oh by the way here’s my brick attractive leaders LinkedIn profile, we’d love to have you check it, out I know that my attractive leader / recruiting leader whatever the name is, is looking forward to talking to you on Thursday at 4 p.m. here’s the number that he’ll be calling from her, she’ll be calling from, a very simple text message like that, okay? We send that as a follow-up immediately beyond setting that appointment and then the day of the morning up text message goes out, “hey my attractive leader, my recruiting leader is looking forward to talking to you at 4 p.m. today here’s the number they’ll be calling from” one hour prior another text message follow-up hey by the way I know my attractive leadership / recruiting leader is looking forward to talking to you at 4 p.m. today here’s the number an hour from now here’s number they’ll be calling from” those simple three steps which are little things a follow up text message a text message is the morning of a text message a text message an hour prior take someone from 45 to 50% appointments show up rate to about a 90% appointment, show up rate. How do I know that data? because we teach dialers here our system, and we follow those numbers, we follow the data, that’s how I know that number, that’s almost doubling your efforts, okay? If you can go from 45 to 50 percent to around 90 percent almost doubled that, that’s a little thing around recruiting it’s the little things that make really big differences inside our efforts and recruiting, okay? So, I’m gonna calm down because I can kind of get excited about this stuff.

So, let’s go back through this, here are the three things that this recruiting leader is doing that’s getting them about one closed candidate for their specific team in a small market almost every single week right now. Strong social leadership brand, means that they’re posting on a daily basis and if you want to understand my thesis around social leadership branding there’s several podcasts that are here that you can listen to go back and listen to those. A dialer who’s calling on their behalf that’s the second part of that that’s following a very specific system I gave you the scripting here that’s asking simply for a 5 to 10 minute phone conversation, and the third part of this is a process of next steps, that’s when we teach this what I call the recruiting made simple model, but a process of next steps, whatever your next steps, are these powerful next steps that lead to momentum, okay? Those are the things end of story, it’s not this comp not that complicated, that’s in the story those are the three major things that are being done to get one person per week and a lot of people are struggling to recruit, okay? And in it and it doesn’t depend on what industry you’re in, like a lot of people are struggling to recruit there’s not a ton of talent out there right now, right? So you’re gonna have to build a better model, you’re gonna have to build a better system, and here are three things that are going to matter a lot to you as you work to do that, go activate on this, okay? There’s some even if you just picked up one or two nuggets here, like one or two nuggets, like I’m gonna improve my phone script, I’m change my phone script, great now go perfect it, memorize it, make sure you can overcome your top three objections, that you’re gonna get, that’s a little thing if you got that great, go, go get that you’ll improve what you’re doing, inside your recruiting efforts, okay? Go activate on a couple of key things that you gather here today, we’re all about helping you and pressing you forward, yet in this role of a recruiting leader we say this all the time with our organization, we empathize with the struggle because it is difficult to be in a role. So there you have it, I know we brought some value to you today, sometimes I say I hope, I know we brought value to you today, so go apply this, go win this week, and if we can ever do anything to help, you know where to find us we deliver lots of resources, YouTube, Vimeo, LinkedIn, Facebook, right? We’re videoing this right now we’ll put this out as content as well we’re here to serve. We’re here to help you have a great week everybody and we are rooting for you – the recruiting leader to win, all the best.

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