Phone Scripting And Making The Most Of Your First Recruiting Call – Episode 2 of 2

Let’s talk specific to the phone script now okay what are the requirements for having success on the phone okay there’s really four critical components here okay you got to do necessary research prior to making the call we’re never going to win a cult we’re never going to get a call list and just call we’re always going to do the necessary research to be able to identify information about the individual before we make the call the next part of that is look it’s obvious that we have to have a willingness to make the call right that that seems very obvious to me but truth be known it’s a place that people struggled right is just making that phone call but you got to be willing to make the phone call the third part of this is you have to have an attractive leader phone script okay like if you’ve listened in to my podcast the attractive leader is someone who has a clear vision clear core values can articulate around those extremely well story tale around those and then is living and acting in alignment with those okay so we want to be seen as an attractive leader that means that you don’t get permission as a as a leader who fishes in the smaller pond a smaller geography a specific city a specific state a specific region right you’re in your career you’re gonna be in that area probably forever okay so you at all cost we have to represent ourselves as someone with a high core value system then the fourth part of this is we’ve got to be able to handle objections okay an ability handle objections is a basic premise you’ve got to be able to do this now if you’re doing your research and you’ve got a good phone script and you’re making the phone calls and you can overcome objections you’re going to set appointment rates at a very high percentage with a similar phone script that I’m using and I’m going to give you the bullet points for it okay let’s talk about this the first part here what are the tools for researching recruits does it it may seem obvious that most people and their value system is available to you through places like LinkedIn through Facebook through Instagram through social media you can tell a lot about who people are okay so there’s a there are some great resources there now every come every inside every industry there’s all also specific tools okay like as an example inside the mortgage industry there Zillow has a lender directory great resource to be able to identify the core value system of a loan officer well why is that well because the customers are doing business with them are actually doing reviews and so you can see what the customers are saying about them to get an idea what the value system is now one of the things I that I coach too and one of the things that I give to people is a core values list because when I’m researching somebody out I want to be able to see the things that are true about the individual and by having a core value list that I’m actually at identifying what things are true about you like in my phone scripting I can use some of that so as an example if I’m looking at a customer’s review and a lot of your customers are saying that you over communicate it’s you were over available that you took phone calls after hours like there’s there’s a core value system that I can identify there okay like communication is critical to you right excellence is critical to your professionalism is important to you okay dedication is important to you there’s a lot of core values there that represent your character that I can pull out I can look at Facebook and see are you family minded family oriented is your value system family first okay I can look at how innovative you are and representing yourself okay inside the mortgage industry from time to time you’ll see individual loan officers that will go get their own website okay they’ll go get you know lending your Wacom Richard loves lending calm that’s innovative okay it’s outside the box again I can look at a core value sheet a core value list that I can begin to identify that someone that’s always talking about with them reading books or listening to podcasts or always showing leadership quotes or motivational quotes it’s easy for me to say that personal is that person has a core value of personal growth of leadership development okay so I could go on and on in the space but you can identify the core value system of the people that you’re recruiting if you have the eyes to see it you’ve got to have the eyes to see it okay now here’s another element to this when you’re recruiting most recruiting leaders are able to get cell phone numbers okay look inside the mortgage industry the real estate community really any community the day that has cells people that are self sourcing business their cell phone numbers are readily available in the worldwide web you can go to my facebook page and find my cell phone number you can go to LinkedIn and find my cell phone number you could do a just a google search for Richard and come up with my cell phone number okay so it’s not hard to find but what I do want to do is take a next step and use a tool to verify that it is a cell phone number I do not want to call people at their office puts people in difficult positions if they’re leaders sitting in front of them or somebody else in the office is setting in front of them or their doors open all right any of those moments there puts them in a position to actually be rude to you unprofessional to you and it basically you know helps them throw the hand grenade on the relationship bridge and I don’t want to help them do that so if I can get a cell phone number I’m going to use that number I’m gonna vet that it is that number so an easy tool that you can use that to vet that out is through a website called search bug comm okay underneath there tools you can actually put a cell phone number in hit enter and it will tell you or any number will tell you whether it’s a cell phone number or not okay so these are some of the tools that we have as we’re doing the research okay so we’ve done the research now we’re ready to make the call we have to have a good phone script as a recruiting leader you need to be straightforward who are you I have a good friend that uses the word tricky a lot okay a tricky phone script is the quickest way to identify yourself as a non attractive leader in your market okay no tricky phone scripts allowed straightforward like who are you okay yes you may get an immediate objection okay we’re gonna overcome that yes you may get any media objection that’s so okay straightforward in who you are okay I have seen there’s a a gentleman in a specific industry that I know of that calls escalating leaving voice messages and will and and I’m not a fan of voice messages number one but Lee’s escalating voice messages if you don’t take Patrick’s call Patrick then calls again and if you don’t get him that if he doesn’t get you the second time he escalates the voicemail and eventually you get to a place where you’re calling him back you’re taking the call because you think it’s a 911 emergency at home okay that’s a tricky phone script okay none of that for you straightforward who are you okay voicemail does not work today gang we’ve tested this at a very high level got brought up voicemail you know you had I you had to assume phone scripting voicemails gonna come up okay we’ve tested this at a very high level point zero four percent of people will respond to your voicemail but yet you’ve done several things okay you have given them a breadcrumb that leads back to you which is your cell phone number and now they can plug you in and they cannot take your phone call and we don’t want that we do want them on the phone I think a lot of people’s minds goes to I can leave voicemail at scale and by planting more seeds I’ll have a larger harvest and that may I get that both voicemail is dying voicemail just doesn’t work when we tested this with a large company in an industry that was a top-15 company we tested as point zero four percent was the response rate that we got the and and and so that’s four out of a thousand that would actually return the voice message and out of that four hundred thousand returned the voice message they were not the people that we wanted to recruit these were transitional people these are people that were working at a new location looking for a sign-on bonus or a draw the you know work typically recruiting in this position for sales people so you know the recruiting leader wants people that aren’t looking for the next you know sign-on bonus the next 90 day guarantee simply so they can move on again so voicemail does not work okay there are some things that you can do to improve voicemail but the truth be told is that voicemail does not work that well today so I’m gonna encourage you to not leave a voice message ok so now we’ve established that we’ve done our research we’re calling people or straight forward who we are the part of that I’m gonna bring into this is I’m going to say I’ve done a lot of research on you and in my research I see some similarities between your core values and my core values I want to be prepared to discuss those similarities so you’ve got to have those lined up your research will not take you any more than three to five minutes to do okay that’s the true three to five minutes of research will get you a thirty to forty percent employment rate I’ve done research on you I see similarities between your core values and my core values I’m going to be prepared to discuss the similarities okay I am calling to establish I’m calling to build a relationship with you understanding that people transition in depending on your industry right I was talking about the mortgage industry where I spent 15 years that the typical transition Linda is two and a half years now that numbers gone up recently to three point one years in that industry but truth be told people transition consistently okay and so I’m calling to establish build relationships so that when you transition one day right that we have an established relationship one that you trust me and you’d be willing to pick up the phone and say hey Richard things have changed over here can we talk and if you’re willing to meet I promise not to use a recruiting pitch on you try to sell you on my company value proposition and so if you’re willing to meet with me I promise that I won’t talk about my company or try to recruit you what does your schedule look like on Thursday afternoon to meet ok it’s a very simple phone script it can beats it’s slightly shifted for the dialer the dialer can say Richards asked me to do a bunch of research on you and we see similarities between your core values and all of that is true ok I’m asking the dialer the recruiting assistant to do research on people in my market and when they find people that have a core value system similar are so that they’re calling them and I’m gonna have I’m going to teach that dialer or the core value system so they have the eyes to see it and they’re gonna be prepared to discuss it and they’re going to then set the appointment using a similar script ok so we’re gonna use the research that we’ve done and the similarities that we’re going to identify as our core value system as the reasons to set the appointment and we are going to say that I’m not going to actually recruit you I simply want to meet and build a relationship with you I won’t talk about my company okay now with that scripting said you are going to get objections you’re just going to get them I don’t have time to talk I’m not interested I’m happy where I’m at those are some of the typical objections that you’re gonna get understand this objections will have to be an expectation remember you’re calling you’re calling with your agenda and they know this right you know this you’re calling with your agenda and you’re inserting your agenda into the middle of their agenda in the middle of their day they’re on point they’re getting the things done they need to get done you have to expect objections I don’t have time to talk is a very reasonable objection but also understand this okay it’s a smokescreen what do you say if the if a mark telemarketer accidentally gets you on the phone right I don’t have time to talk I’m not interested right those are that those are the things that we say so we’ve got to understand that it’s nothing against what why you’re calling and what you have to say it’s simply a smokescreen and specifically the first one is a major smokescreen so the I want you to have a shift most people think they have to acknowledge that objection no we’re good we’re not we’re not going I’m sorry most people think they have to address that objection okay no we’re not going to address it we will simply acknowledge it a very easy way for me to acknowledge that I don’t have time to talk is to say look I want to respect your time with you being busy so let me be real direct I just overcame that I can use that similar scripting whenever someone says I’m not interested look I respect the the fact that you’re happy that you’re were your ass let me be real direct okay so I respect and let me be real direct I respect that you are so let me be real direct that initial objection this is a phenomenal way to just move right on past that remember art we’re going to get objections when we simply introduce ourself I’m Richard Milligan the regional manager with ABC company look I don’t have time to talk you’re gonna get that a lot initially right then and there because they know that you’re recruiting leader look I’m not interested look I’m happy where I’m at you’re going to get those things immediately okay look I understand you’re happy where you’re at I want to respect that so let me be real direct and now I’m going to move into my phone script look I’ve done a bunch of research on you in my research I found that we’ve got similar core values and because of that I’m reaching out to connect with you understanding that most people transition multiple times in their career and because of that I would love to meet with you and establish a relationship if you’re willing to say yes that I promise that I’m not going to try and recruit you I’m not going to talk about my company value proposition now pause here think about this the problem that I was trying to solve when people came into a face-to-face meeting with me was that I needed to protect that meeting so that they weren’t asking questions about the company and one that I wasn’t jumping into a situation where I was leading with the company toolbox the company value problem now I’ve created a beautiful set of boundaries around that meeting so that when we get there it’s all relational okay and if that meeting goes relationship building guess what if you’ve got the correct formula for that then you’re going to get next steps out of that in minimally okay minimally people will say this I would work for that person if you’re leading with your company value proposition in the face-to-face meeting then you are throwing everything that you have at them you’re loaning basically every bullet in the gun your sales gun so to speak and you’re firing it and if something sticks great but when it doesn’t because it won’t the majority of the time then guess what you’re done people they will say forever I know that company I know what they have to offer I met with that leader one time now what we’ve done is when that face-to-face meeting transpires when it come when it we have it then I’ve protected it and I will then follow a specific agenda so that they get to see Who I am as an attractive leader look here was a larger aha moment for me mid 2014 in 2014 I had been following this methodology for less than a year but I begin to get phone calls from external and internal recruiters and they would say this I was recruiting in your market and I came across this person and this person said this and this happened to me probably half a dozen times okay it was always the same thing okay it was I talked to this person this person said the only person they would ever go to work for if they left their current company was Richard Milligan they didn’t say the name of my company they said my name personally and truth be told I worked for more than four companies right in my career so it wasn’t the company that mattered it was my leadership value proposition that mattered most so now we’ve set the stage incredibly well for your career to plant these seeds with people that if you follow up with them and stay in front of them consistently that you will win at scale so the challenge in this is look I know most of you are leading with your company value proposition you have to stop that the only way to stop that is to clearly understand your own leadership value proposition okay we’ll talk about some framework on this around this in the next podcast okay but this has set the stage extremely well for you you are going to get three or four people out of ten that you get on the phone that are gonna say yes to meeting with you with this scripting okay so let’s just talk about this right if on the objection piece we’ve given you the first the ability overcome the initial smoke screen I’m happy I’m not interested I don’t have time okay we don’t address we acknowledge right the second part of this says you are not going to overcome those objections for maybe 60 to 70 percent of the people that you speak with so we the objective beyond that is we’ve got to get a yes so what am I gonna do I’m going to ask yes questions okay so this is how we’re gonna handle this we’re gonna ask guests questions so as an example if I got to the end of my phone scripting look I’ve already told you I’m happy where I’m at I’m I love my leader I’m gonna stay put right now things are going extremely well right as I get that objection again I have to respect that okay remember you’re the recruiting leader you’re gonna be in this geography at forever you’re not the corporate salesperson okay they can get they have the entire you know United States or the larger pond efficient that you don’t have right so I’ve got to leave this meeting with some momentum and with a crack in that door I got to see light in the door so I’m gonna ask a guest question look I told you I’m happy where I’m at I really am happy where I’m at I love my leader that would be something that would be typical to be sad so then what I’m gonna follow up with is a yes question a yes question could be I’d love to just connect with you on LinkedIn would you be open to that you’re gonna get a yes from that I’d love to send you my favorite book what’s a good address to send that to I want to respect that you’re happy where you’re at that’s a yes question if someone said look I don’t feel comfortable giving you an address I’d say no problems I’ve got your cell phone number here I’ll just send it to you through to the cell phone number are you would you allow me to send you my favorite book via text right I’m just trying to get a yes question there are probably thousands and thousands I guess questions but something is simple saying I would love to connect with you on LinkedIn would you be open to that that’s a yes question when I get that yes guess what I’ll go do that and now I’ve got to have a next step system built around what’s next the problem that most people have is that when they get through their phone scripting they get a no right they’re not getting a yes that’s a big problem but then beyond the yes they definitively do not have a system of next steps and recruiting is not that hard like you to some degree you gotta look at yourself in your career and say how long have I been a recruiting leader and if I had a next step system of building relationships with people wouldn’t I be when able to win at scale and the truth is yes he would be able to win a scale if he had us had a system most people are stuck in the three ideas that I should just be identifying talent making phone calls to talent or making contact with them in some way shape or form and then in the end following up right and so there’s no real system of next steps built around that so they spontaneously combust into into recruiting you know behaviors and their recruiting efforts and because of that they don’t ever win at scale look you’re gonna be in your geography and a similar role for a long time in that career as a recruiting leader especially if you’re having success okay and so you have to have a next step system beyond this okay so let’s go back through this again phone scripting is critical we are not going to leave voice messages okay dialer yes if you if you are able to hire a dialer then I would encourage you to hide dialer yes we actually as an organization trained dialers for individual recruiting leaders because we do think there’s a specific methodology they should follow okay so excuse me so dialer yes and you’ve got some great tools now in your toolbox that you can go at the phone and then in our next podcast what we’re gonna do is we’re going to talk about the face to face meetings so now we assume someone said yes to that now how are we going to handle the face-to-face meeting and we’ll talk about that next look I have had so many questions around this particular piece the phone scripting piece out we’re just excited to be able to deliver some framework for you around this the goal now for you is script it out script it out what is the script okay scripting it’s just stage one you’ve got to memorize it at such a level that it sounds authentic that sounds real that it sounds like you know your conversational in it most people will never get that in their career because they will simply wing everything around their recruiting efforts and because of that they will never win at scale so if you’re gonna win a scale it’s gotta sound authentic it’s got to sound like it’s you it can’t sound scripted and the only way you’re gonna get there is if you practice it thousands and thousands of times right it record it listen to it say it so you’ve got to write it out first okay then you’ve got to record it just read it right your phone has a recording app on if you’ve got an iPhone there’s a recording app on if you’ve got a joy if you’ve got one as well so record it now listen to it and then try to say it and then again and again listen to it and say it listen to it and say it until it comes to a place where it sounds natural and it sounds like it’s coming from your heart if you get to that place where you were you’re able to do that and you’re able to overcome objections extremely well through a you know acknowledging them not addressing them then your appointment rate is going to be extremely high with people and you’re going to plan some phenomenal seeds right because there’s two different seasons and recruiting the first season is where we actually plant the seed we are farmers all right so we plant the seed we cultivate that seed the second season of that is going to be where we make the harvest can you make a harvest a short one enough time absolutely my data my own personal data where I changed my phone scripting in my face-to-face meetings I went from two point six years recruiting someone to 62 days recruiting somebody okay so yes this methodology we’re talking about actually condenses relationship building building trust creating empathy bonding with people and because of that now we can go in at scale okay so there you have it there’s there’s the phone scripting and some great ideas around all of that I’m hopeful this brought value to you but more than that I’m hopeful the you will go activate at an extreme level with this information now that you have it and that she’ll go when and when you win you let me know that you’re winning because you’ve been it because you’ve taken the steps and done this that’s the value for me I spent 10 and a half years struggling to recruit with no resources so the in game the reward for me today is actually finding out that I’m helping Pete wit by doing the podcast and helping them grow in their recruiting skills because there is no training around this I know it because I was there and I’m in the landscape today I see it there’s a big hole around training our recruiting leaders to become better recruiters and that’s why we love doing this so if this works for you and you’re excited about this content drop me a line and let me know and until we talk to you again on the next recruiting conversations have a great week everybody and don’t forget have fun recruiting I’ll talk to you soon

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