How to Minimize Ghosting From Recruits

I’m excited to share a straightforward yet powerful idea with you today.

Through our extensive work with companies and individual leaders, we’ve identified a simple tactic that can dramatically improve the number of people who show up for the meetings you schedule.


The Importance of Showing Up

If you’re a recruiter or a recruiting leader, you know how crucial it is to get your prospects to show up for meetings.

When someone agrees to a meeting for tomorrow, next week, or later, it’s vital to ensure they actually attend.


First, it allows you to move forward in building that relationship and progressing to the next steps.

But more importantly, when someone no-shows, it creates unnecessary tension.

Have you ever forgotten about a meeting and then had someone reach out, wondering where you are?

It’s awkward, and it can damage the relationship before it even begins.


The No-Show Problem (and How to Fix It)

In our experience, it’s common for 45% to 50% of people who agree to a meeting to not show up.

That’s normal.

But it doesn’t have to be your normal.

You can solve this problem, and I’m going to share a three-step process that has consistently reduced no-shows to the low teens or even single digits.

Imagine this: if you had 100 meetings scheduled over a year and 50 of them didn’t show, you missed out on 50 recruiting opportunities.

By reducing that no-show rate to 8%, you gain 42 additional chances to recruit. That’s a game-changer for any growth-minded leader.


The Three-Step Process to Slash No-Show Rates

1. Immediate Confirmation
As soon as someone agrees to a meeting, send them a text message to confirm.

If you’re a recruiter, include the person they’ll be meeting with in the text.

Here’s how that might look:

“Hi [Prospect’s Name], this is [Your Name]. Great call today! My [Market Leader/Executive Leader/Regional Leader], [Leader’s Name], is looking forward to meeting with you on [Day] at [Time]. I’ve included them on this text along with their contact information, which is the number they’ll be calling from.”

This simple message, which the leader can also respond to with a quick note like “Looking forward to our conversation,” can immediately boost your show-up rate by 25% to 30%.

2. Day-Before Reminder
If the meeting is more than 48 hours away, send a reminder text the day before.

This message doesn’t need to involve the executive leader. It’s just between you and the prospect:

“Hi [Prospect’s Name], I spoke with [Leader’s Name] today, and we’re looking forward to talking with you tomorrow at [Time].”

This reminder gives them a chance to reschedule if something has come up, reducing the risk of a no-show and keeping your executive leader out of any scheduling noise.

3. One-Hour Reminder

Finally, send a text one hour before the meeting:

“Hi [Prospect’s Name], just a quick reminder that [Leader’s Name] is looking forward to talking with you at [Time] today.”

By now, they’ve had multiple reminders and opportunities to reschedule if needed, significantly increasing the likelihood they’ll attend.


Handling No-Shows with Grace 

Even with this system, you might still get the occasional no-show. Here’s what to do:

  • Five Minutes In: If the prospect hasn’t shown up, send a quick text:

    “Hi [Prospect’s Name], this is [Leader’s Name]. We had a meeting scheduled for [Time]. I’m on standby waiting for you to join.”

  • Follow-Up with a Video Message: If they don’t respond, have the executive leader send a personalized video message:

    “Hi [Prospect’s Name], it’s [Leader’s Name]. I know we had a meeting scheduled for today, and I missed you. I was really looking forward to connecting. I’ve CC’d in [Recruiter’s Name] to help reschedule our conversation. Looking forward to talking soon.”

This approach removes any tension and keeps the door open for future interactions.


The Power of a PS Line

Here’s a pro tip: include a PS line in your initial message.

Something like:

“P.S. [Leader’s Name] is active on LinkedIn. I’ve included a link to their profile here.”

In our tests, 18% of no-shows were prevented simply because the leader’s social presence made an impact.

The personal brand of the leader matters—a lot.

It influences whether prospects attend meetings, move forward to next steps, and even sign and start after receiving an offer letter.


Automate for Consistency

If you’re scheduling a high volume of meetings, consider using tools like Calendly or Grayscale to automate your text reminders.

These tools can handle the initial confirmation, the day-before reminder, and the one-hour reminder, ensuring consistency in your process.


Implementing Systems for Success

It’s proven: we don’t rise to the level of our goals—we fall to the level of our systems.

Hard work is essential, but pairing it with a reliable system is what leads to sustained success.

By implementing this simple process, you’ll see immediate improvements in your recruiting outcomes.

I hope you found this newsletter valuable.

If you have any questions or want to dive deeper into these strategies, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Here’s to more successful meetings and more top talent joining your team!

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