How Lazy Recruiting Is Hurting Your Brand

It’s easy to get caught up in the temporary: salaries, commissions, benefits, and company swag.

While these are important, they are not what truly drives long-term success and fulfillment.

The Temporary vs. The Eternal

There’s a powerful verse in Corinthians that reminds us to fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Over the years, I’ve found that the most meaningful and enduring aspects of recruiting are intangible.

Recruiters often fall into the trap of competing on superficial grounds, saying,

“We’re a little bit better than that other company. We sell more; we make more; we do something better.”

The BAM Zone

We need to shift our focus from temporary incentives to something far more significant: vision, core values, and the larger why.

This is called the BAM zone, which stands for:


Once people feel secure in their finances, they start looking for the next step.

They won’t be seeking more money or security but rather the things that matter deeply, those that help them feel self-actualized.

Emphasizing Impact Over Investments

It’s time to focus on dreams instead of dollars. When we emphasize impact over investments, we align ourselves with what’s truly essential.

Offers can be matched, but vision, core values, and a larger purpose cannot.

Action steps for Recruiting Leaders

  1. Cultivate Belonging: Create an environment where every team member feels they belong and are a vital part of the mission.
  2. Provide Affirmation: Regularly affirm your team’s contributions and recognize their unique strengths.
  3. Instill Meaning: Connect their daily tasks to the larger vision and values of the organization, helping them see the meaningful impact of their work.

By shifting our focus from the temporary to the eternal, we build stronger, more cohesive teams but also create a lasting legacy that goes beyond the immediate, tangible rewards.

Let’s start focusing on what truly matters and build a recruiting strategy that emphasizes impact, vision, and core values.

Stay focused and inspired!

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