Become the Finished Product

All great things have a beginning, but so many recruiting leaders are content to stop here. They glean a little knowledge, apply a few ideas and call it good. So much more opportunity is available if they simply committed to more. But there are some who say being average isn’t enough. These understand the best life comes through constant learning. Building on the original foundation, these make a commitment to a life pursuing knowledge and growth. So many things go into becoming a great recruiter, becoming the attractive leader. Telling stories to correct framework, having a system, building that system around pursuing your recruit through what motivates them most, their why.

Understanding how to use social media, knowing how to motivate the unmotivated to make change. Who will you be? What is your commitment? We are all on a journey to becoming complete. It’s our commitment to becoming our best that determines the level of success we experience.

Make the commitment become the finished product.


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We Believe In




Reframing what it means to be a recruiter & fall in love with it.


Establish your personal brand that attracts recruits that align with your values.

What We Coach Around


People don't join companies. They join great leaders.


What gets measured, gets improved.


Create a sustainable system that magnatizes recruits to you.


Elevate your social media presence and get recruits to reach out to you.
  • Timing Is Everything

    I would miss out on recruit after recruit even if I had been in contact with them prior. I was puzzled by the fact that people I had spoken with would join my competitors, sometimes within a few months after we spoke.

  • Super Salesman

    I thought I had to be a super salesman with off-the-charts energy in order to be a success. It made total sense to me that only the best salesman in each market would win the recruiting game.

  • Recruiting Success

    I believed it required 2+ hours of recruiting every day in order to have any success. I became a slave to my business as the other 15 hats I wore each day required 10 hours a day. Adding 2 to 4 hours of recruiting meant working 60 hours per week.
