3 Things To Learn From Dating That Will Make You A Better Recruiter

Today, I want to share something a bit humorous yet profoundly insightful:

Recruiting is a lot like dating.

Stay with me here, and you’ll see the connection in just a second.


The Crazy Similarities Between Recruiting and Dating 

Dating involves sorting through many people to find the right match.

The same goes for recruiting.

You’ll encounter some unusual responses, people ghosting you, and odd questions.

It requires a lot of effort and persistence, which can be exhausting—much like dating.

Recruiting leaders have one of the toughest jobs out there.

You’re juggling leadership duties, serving your current team, and keeping them motivated while also attracting new talent.

It takes a special kind of person to excel as both a leader and a recruiter.


Shifting from Sales to Relationship Building 

A common mistake is to treat recruiting like sales.

Yes, numbers are important, but transitioning from a salesperson to a relationship builder is crucial.

Think of recruiting as dating—it’s all about building a relationship, not making a quick sale.


Steps to Effective Recruiting (Or Should We Say Dating?)

  1. Do Your Research: Know your prospect’s background, their achievements, and values. Tools like Mobility RE can provide insights, especially in industries like mortgages.

  2. Perfect Your Phone Script: Start with a non-recruiting conversation. Mention shared values and suggest getting to know each other, just like a first date. Aim for a brief, engaging call.

  3. Progress Naturally: Move from a phone call to a face-to-face meeting if there’s alignment. Keep the conversation focused on getting to know them, not on recruiting right away.

  4. Be Authentic and Engaging: In your calls, be authentic and keep it conversational. Leave them wanting more, just like a good date.

  5. Think Long Term: Remember, you’re not proposing marriage on the first date. Don’t push for immediate commitments. Build the relationship over time.


Building Trust and Reducing Tension 

Avoid generic pitches like “Are you open to a better opportunity?”

Instead, focus on relationship-building.

You want to be the leader they think of when they’re ready for a change.


Why Affirmation Matters 

When dating, we naturally affirm and compliment our partner.

This same approach works in recruiting.

Be overly affirming and encouraging. It’s one of the top motivators for people.

The best recruiters are those who naturally affirm and build up their prospects.


Putting Their Interests First 

Just as in dating, where you put your partner’s interests ahead of your own, do the same in recruiting.

Focus on adding value without expecting immediate returns.

Share valuable content and insights that help them grow professionally.


Continually Resurface Dreams 

One of the most powerful questions you can ask your recruits or current team members is: “What is the dream you’d like to accomplish in the next five years?”

Keep resurfacing this dream to show you’re invested in their long-term success.


Looking Ahead 

We’ve got some phenomenal topics lined up for the next few weeks.

Stay tuned, and continue to focus on building relationships, just like you would in dating.

It’s a strategy that leads to long-term success in both recruiting and retention.

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Let’s keep pushing forward together.

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