About Richard Milligan of 4C Recruiting:
Richard is a high-growth specialist who consults leaders and companies interested in growing their sales team. He has been responsible for opening and managing more than 20 mortgage offices throughout the United States. In 2014, Richard formulated a system responsible for helping other leaders build strong teams through a system known as Recruiting Made Simple.
We believe Recruiting Leaders have the most challenging position in any business and deserve the training necessary to succeed in their role.
- We do this because people matter to us.
- We do this because we empathize with the Recruiting Leader's struggle.
- We do this because great leaders influence things outside the walls of their business leadership.
- We do this because we believe that one change changes everything.
- We do this because God has equipped us, inspired us, and led us to this place.
We will measure success by helping more than 4,000 leaders this year live an ideal life only possible through growing their teams and influence.
To help recruiting leaders by teaching recruiting skills, helping them understand leadership branding, and activating their leadership brand. We will measure success by impacting 10,000 recruiting leaders each year, helping them grow their brand and streamline the recruiting process.
- We empower recruiting leaders with education
- We believe better leaders make better recruiters
- We are passionate about what we do
- We practice open, real communication
- We are constantly improving and growing ourselves
- We embrace high expectations
- We choose to treat each other better than our best friends
- We embrace putting our families first in all that we do
- We are lifelong learners, growing ourselves to our full potential